Shipping Tools

Listing your shipment in the uShip marketplace is all you need to do to get the best price and service for your transport needs, but we also offer a powerful suite of tools and partner services that allow you to get the most out of your shipping experience. From easy integration with other e-commerce sites to a wide range of mobile solutions, uShip gives you everything you need to take control of your shipping.
Shipping Tools Gallery
uShip Directory
uShip Directory
Find the right service providers and request quotes directly. Rather than waiting for service providers to find and quote on your shipment, you can browse the largest directory of shipping and moving service providers on the planet and request a quote. Search the directory based on specialty, geographic location and feedback. Scan profiles, reviews and other information and decide for yourself!
Browse the uShip Provider Directory
Message Center
Message Center
Manage all uShip communication in one place from the Message Center on your dashboard. This personalized tool helps you make sure important messages don't get mixed in or lost in your regular email account. You can sort messages by type, date, viewed and more. You can find the Message Center by clicking on 'My Messages' from your dashboard.
Go to the Message Center
Name Your Price
Name Your Price
Use Name Your Price to ship your item quickly and for the best price. The Name Your Price option automatically selects the first qualifying quote that matches your set price. You can still receive traditional quotes on your shipment, but service providers with a feedback rating of at least 5 and 90% or greater positive feedback can book your shipment instantly.
Shipping Calculator
Shipping Calculator
Get instant shipping price estimates before you list your shipment and see what other uShip members have paid for similar shipments. The Shipping Calculator uses marketplace data to provide an estimate based on the average prices paid by other uShip members for shipments of the same category along a comparable route. It factors in distance, weight and even common trucking lanes.
Get Shipping Estimates
Quote Price Estimator
Quote Price Estimator
Wondering if a quote is the lowest you will receive? The Quote Price Estimator compares the quotes you receive to the price and number of quotes on similar shipments. This should give you a better idea of how the quotes you have received stack up and your chances of getting a lower quote.
eBay Shipping Center
eBay Shipping Center
Track your eBay auctions and access uShip shipping tools and information all in one place. The eBay Shipping Center makes it easy for buyers to track the status of auction items, get instant Shipping Price Estimates and list eBay auction items for shipment in the uShip marketplace with a single click.
Learn More About the eBay Shipping Center
Text Alerts
Text Alerts
Stay up-to-date on all of your important uShip activity with Text Alerts sent directly to your mobile phone or portable device. You can sign up for text alerts when you list your next shipment or decide what activity you would like to be notified of by adjusting your communication settings.
Mobile Application:
uShip mobile site
Get direct access to all of your important uShip activity with push notifications. Shipping customers and Service Providers can now stay up to date with bidding, booking, asking and answering questions, status updates and much more. The uShip application is the best way to manage your uShip account when you are on the go.
Learn More About uShip Mobile Applications
uShip Location Sharing
uShip Location Sharing
Visit the tracking page for your shipment to check for location and status updates.
Learn More about uShip Tracking
Status Updates
Status Updates
Stay up-to-date on the whereabouts and activity of service providers by checking their Status Update message posted to their profile.
Partner Tools Gallery
uShip also works with several partners to bring you the best tools.
TerraPass Green Provider Program
TerraPass-certified Green Providers commit to balancing the emissions from moving your shipments by funding clean energy and efficiency projects that reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Look for the TerraPass logo next to your service provider's username and make the world a little greener.
Learn More About TerraPass
Have a product or service that you would like to integrate with uShip?